WordPress Plugins

WordPress Plugins: 7 Helpful Tips for Keeping Your Site from Sucking

I cannot stress enough the importance of vetting WordPress plugins before adding them to your website. WordPress Plugins can be incredibly helpful in adding functionality and features to your site, but they can also be a source of security vulnerabilities, compatibility issues, and performance problems if not chosen carefully. In this article, we will explore the importance of vetting plugins and provide some tips on how to do it effectively.

Why is WordPress Plugin Vetting Important?

Plugins are an essential part of the WordPress ecosystem, allowing website owners to add functionality to their site without having to code everything from scratch. However, not all plugins are created equal, and choosing the wrong ones can have disastrous consequences. Here are some reasons why vetting WordPress plugins is crucial:

  1. Security: WordPress Plugins can be a significant source of security vulnerabilities. Installing a plugin that has a security flaw can leave your site vulnerable to attacks such as hacking, malware, and phishing. Therefore, it’s essential to choose plugins from reputable developers and keep them up-to-date to prevent security breaches.

  2. Compatibility: WordPress Plugins can conflict with each other or with your WordPress theme, causing compatibility issues that can break your site. Vetting plugins can help you ensure that they work well with your existing site setup, preventing headaches down the line.

  3. Performance: WordPress Plugins can slow down your site’s loading time, affecting user experience and search engine rankings. Choosing lightweight and well-coded plugins can help you avoid performance problems.

How to Vet WordPress Plugins

Now that we’ve established why plugin vetting is important let’s discuss how to do it effectively. Here are some tips to help you choose the right plugins for your site:

  1. Check for Compatibility: Before installing a plugin, check its compatibility with your WordPress version and theme. Also, make sure it’s compatible with other plugins you’re using. You can find this information in the plugin description or on the developer’s website.

  2. Look for Reviews and Ratings: Check out the reviews and ratings of a plugin before installing it. This can give you insight into the experiences of other users and help you decide if the plugin is worth installing.

  3. Check the Developer’s Reputation: Look into the developer’s reputation and track record. Make sure they’re reputable and have a history of creating well-coded and secure plugins. You can do this by checking their website, social media, and reviews on other platforms.

  4. Check the Last Update: Make sure the plugin has been updated recently. Outdated plugins are more likely to have security vulnerabilities, compatibility issues, and performance problems.

  5. Check the Support Options: Look for plugins that have good support options such as documentation, support forums, and email support. This can help you troubleshoot issues and ensure that the plugin works well with your site.

  6. Test the Plugin: Before installing a plugin on your live site, test it on a staging site. This can help you ensure that it doesn’t conflict with your existing site setup or cause any issues.

  7. Avoid Bloated Plugins: Avoid plugins that are bloated with unnecessary features and scripts. These can slow down your site’s loading time and affect performance. Choose lightweight and well-coded plugins instead.


Vetting WordPress plugins is crucial for website security, compatibility, and performance. By following the tips we’ve provided in this article, you can choose the right plugins for your site and avoid potential issues down the line. Remember to always prioritize security when choosing plugins and keep them up-to-date to ensure the continued safety and functionality of your website. Happy plugin hunting!

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